Boot Camp
Try this energetic, high intensity 60-minute workout that is always changing. Our Bootcamp classes focus on cardio and strengthening exercises guaranteed to help you take the first step towards getting the results you want!
Average calories burned: 500-700

Sculpt, Barre & Core
A FITLAB exclusive, this class is designed to help you increase strength and flexibility. You can expect a mix of light dumbbell work as well as Barre, Yoga and Pilates exercises and mat work.
Average Calories burned: 300-500

Reps & Sets
In this total body strength class, you will use a mix of a barbell with plates, dumbbells and bodyweight to challenge and strengthen all the major muscles of the body, as well as the core. Modifications and challenges will be offered to make this class appropriate for all levels.
Average Calories burned: 400-650

Get ready to party yourself into shape! Zumba® is an exhilarating, easy-to-follow, international dance inspired, calorie-burning fitness-party™ that will leave you wanting more! Dance your way to a body you love.
Average Calories burned: 300-450